My Chemo Hair Experience and Hair Care
Annette is another of our lovely Restore ladies. She is an experienced hairdresser and is kindly sharing her experience of losing her hair and how she cared for it when it regrew.
After losing my hair through chemo, I looked forward to my hair growing back on my head, I had dreams of experiencing all those short hairstyles I never had the courage to have before.
My hair before chemo was straight with a few kinks mainly in the wrong places. Back in the late eighties and early nineties the era of big hair I had my shoulder length hair permed after having my children I decided to accept my slightly wavy hair wearing it in straighter styles. Even though I am a hairdresser I had not even thought I would have “chemo curls” I had not given it a thought that my dream of short hairstyles were all straight hairstyles. When my hair started to curl as it grew longer it was a bit of a shock, but to be quite honest, I was only glad my hair was growing back.
Caring for your Chemo Curls
To begin with when your hair is first growing its very fragile and your scalp maybe overly sensitive use a mild unperfumed, p h neutral shampoo, as it grows the hair will get stronger the scalp less sensitive the hair may feel dry by then you can change your hair products accordingly to treat dry hair. Dry your hair by blotting with a thick towel and leave if possible, to dry naturally. If you need to use a drier, use on a low heat setting. Once the hair has reached a 5 – 8cms in length make an appointment with a professional hairdresser to have a trim. Each individual hair grows at its own rate, keeping hair trimmed on a regular basis will allow slower growing hairs time to catch up. Depending on how quickly your hair grows if you keep it short it may take 6 to 12 months for most of your chemo curls to go if you like your hair longer it take a year or two grow out until the hair growth that grew after chemo is cut out.
Colouring hair after Chemo
Hair can grow back a completely different colour. Try to wait until the chemo curl has been cut out before having any permanent colour or any harsh bleaches in the meantime use semi-permanent wash in or temporary colours. Always do a skin test as your skin sensitivity will have changed and will keep changing until the chemo drugs have left your body system.
Now several years later my hair is slightly waiver than it was before the chemo and I have a permanent colour to cover the grey.
Over the coming weeks, I'll be sharing more hair care tips! Annette x